A Beautiful Reality

I usually do just devotional blogs on my other blog site and focus on book related devotionals or posts on this website, but this post crossed over between the two. Check out the full article on my other blog site:

Have you ever had one of those reality moments where an idea or a thought kind of just sweeps in and sweeps over you like a tidal wave? So many little life moments strike me at different times and spark an idea for a scene in one of books and I draw so much from my life to put into my books. In each of my books, I’ve crafted these beautiful “Jesus encounter” moments where the characters come face to face with my Jesus character and in the fashion of how Jesus interacted with the different people that were placed in his path during his time on earth, the Mage’s Son comes to them in their darkest hours and gives them encouragement or gives them a glimpse at the deeper story. Often the characters are at their lowest points with everything and everyone miles away. No way to get to those they love. Everything lost and no sign of any hope. I’ve admittedly been jealous of my characters at times. Watching them experience these incredible moments with the Mage’s Son and having that real and close interaction with him. They all know deep down who he is and he is usually there to remind them of what they already know, and that knowledge helps them to press on and keep fighting. They all find freedom and healing of all kinds in the presence of the Mage’s Son and their lives are forever altered just by having been in his presence.

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